Wall of Wally is a tribute-project dedicated to Wally Olins and it challenges illustrators and graphic designers from everywhere to create his portrait, in their own style. Wally Olins, who The Financial Times describes as being “the world’s leading practitioner of branding and identity” and The Guardian calls “Britain’s most articulate and effective proselytiser for the new commercial religion of branding”, has passed away almost a year ago. As a tribute, the creator of Wall of Wally, Jamin Galea, wants to use the submitted illustrated portraits for a book, an album of Wally, and an exhibition in London, if enough money are raised. The deadline for submissions has been removed, as more and more artists keep submitting their work, which means that you can still make your contribution, if you think this is something that you might find interesting. Read the brief here, for details.
PS: And if you do submit an illustration, let me know about it, I’d love to see what you come up with 🙂
I’m happy to be one of the illustrators on the “wall” myself, as I was eager to keep practising my skills for character (icon) design. I love experimenting with this flat, sharp style (I’m all about vector design lately) and what came out is a very balanced, symmetrical and lively colored illustration. I like it a lot. Here it is: